Enrichment Beyond Classroom

After-school Robotics Club
Competitive Robotics

Behavior and Discipline
In order to provide a relaxed, comfortable environment where children are encouraged to play, learn and create, the children need to be instructed and reminded regularly of their responsibility to follow these expectations, and we need your cooperation in impressing upon them the importance of these guidelines.
Code of conduct:
follow directions from any adult in charge
be kind and respectful with each other and with the adults in language and actions
respect the property of the center and other students.
use all material safely and properly
keep the center clean
stay with in the approved supervised areas
walk and talk with inside voice, at all times
Appropriate behavior will be praised and recognized in various ways:
“Bucket Filler Awards”, prize box, stickers and most of all expressed specific appreciation from fellow students, teachers and staff.
If a child is struggling with our expected behaviors, listed below are one or more of the ways we will redirect desired behavior:
the student will be reminded of expected behavior
the student will receive an opportunity to make another choice
the student may miss opportunity to participate
the student and his/her parent will have a conference with staff
Although these guidelines are discussed frequently with the children, we would like you to go over this list of expectations with your child. We appreciate your support of this behavior agreement.
If a child’s behavior does not improve after reminders and re-direction efforts, parents may be scheduled for a parent teacher conference for help and support.
Serious misconduct:
Biting, disrespect, spitting at or on others, inappropriate language, property misuse, defiance, stealing, intentional damage of property, physical assault on another person, intent to hurt/injure, profane or obscene language or open defiance of a supervisor may result in an immediate expulsion from the program.
The parent will be responsible for reimbursing the program for the cost of damaged items.
STEMSmarts Inc. reserves the right to remove a student without notice if they engage in any of these behaviors.
Listed below are one or more of the actions plans that may be taken for serious misconduct.
Behavior Plan:
Infraction1: Child separated from peer group and Parent notified. Child may return to the activity if the instructor feels confident about the behavior improvement
Infraction2: Parent/Student/Teacher Conference to discuss and write out a behavior plan form that has a specific plan to help child change and redirect the behavior.
Infraction3: Parent/Student/Teacher conference to write out a behavior plan form that has a specific plan to help child change and redirect the behavior. This conference may result in the student being removed from the program for up to 2 weeks.
Infraction4: Immediate removal from the program and child must be picked up within 30 minutes of notification. A Parent/Student/Teacher/Owner conference will then be scheduled to write out a final behavior plan form that has a specific plan to help child change and redirect the behavior. This conference will include a specific written plan of when and if the student may return to the program.
There is a No Refund policy for any days missed due to behavior incidents